NII Stali 4S24 ERA showcase video
Earlier NII Stali announcement . Video created by NII Stali for the showcase of 4S24 ERA. Individually picked frames from the video. Individual 4S24 ERA plates ERA package demonstration Live fire demonstration using 4S24 container, located at a cedent distance from an armour plate creating a large air gap. The plate represents the side armour of an MBT. NII Stali confirms that the ERA package can be used as an all-around protective package on BTRs, BMPs and MBTs. The ERA block functionality was tested using a standard RPG-7 firing a PG-7VS HEAT charge with an approximate penetration value of 400mm against steel. Snippets slowed down for a better understanding of how the charge is countered by the ERA container. A reverse layer added. Post detonation effects on main armour plate. The ERA container and the large air gap almost nullified the potential chemical penetration of the HEAT charge. Resulting in small craters ranging from 2mm-5mm....