DVE-BS Wind Sensor



DVE-BS – wind sensor is part of the 1A40, 1A40-1, 1А33, 1А42 FCS modules. It is designed to measure the transverse component of the relative velocity of the air and transform it into an electrical signal. This device is installed in T-72, Т-80, Т-84 and T-90 tanks.
Operating temperature range: -50°C to +50°C, can operate when air with the dust and when precipitates.

Main characteristics:

Effective air velocity measurement, m/s: ±25
Time for displaying measurements: 2-3 seconds
Time to full operation: 30 seconds
Guaranteed operation hours: 1000 
Weight, kg: 11
  • Detector: 398x78x125
  • Connector module: 150x210x78


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