NII Stali: BMP-3 ERA package premier.

NII Stali provided their last premier video showcasing their ERA package intended to be mounted on the BMP-3. This post follows up with a previous post, covering the 4S24 ERA performance showcase.

NII Stali provides more details about the protection package. 

The ERA package is based on a newer generation ERA called 4S24. 

Additional armour protection covers 62% of the side armour. 

Additional armour protection covers 36% of the front armour. 

Additional armour protection covers 70% of the turret armour.

The total package weight is 4200kg.

4S24 ERA can function in temperatures ranging from -50C to +55C. Each slab weighs 1,36kg. 
  • 131,9mm wide 
  • 251,9mm long 
  • 13mm thick 

The ERA package provides protection against: 
  • Monoblock RPGs
  • B-32 AP rounds 
  • 23mm API-T rounds 
  • 30mm AP rounds     

The ERA blocks do not detonate when hit with: 
  • API-T rounds 
  • 30mm calibre rounds 
  • Fragmentation hits from large calibre HE-F rounds 
  • "Napalm" 

NII Stali confirms again that the ERA package can be utilized on T-72B3 and T-80BVM tanks and on any other armoured vehicle. 

Previously made articles related to BMP-3 ERA. BMP-3 with ERA 

 Taken from: Kalashnikov 



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