SPN-30 upgraded ground based jamming station

The SPN-30 jamming station is intended for radio-electronic jamming (REJ) within an expanded range of working frequencies made to jam modernized radar arrays, airborne reconnaissance radars. 
The following airborne radar classes are suppressed by the use of a direct beam and sidelobe beams based on a directional pattern: 

  • Side observing radars
  • Reconnaissance radars 
  • Weapon control radars 
  • Low-altitude flight radars 
  • Multifunctional radars 
The SPN-30 station offers: 
  • Quasicontinuous jamming
  • Multiple-pulse or time repeating jamming 
  • Noise frequency-selective and spectrum-conjugated jamming 
After the upgrade of the SPN-30 system, the overall performance of the vehicle greatly increased. Ranging from a shorter response time, better instrument reliability and lower power consumption. 

The upgraded station consists of: 
  • An antenna vehicle 
  • A control vehicle 
  • Mobile power unit
Basic characteristics: 

Taken from: Military Vehicles The XXI Century Encyclopedia Tom 16



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