Nona equipped with "Nakidka" |
"Nakidka" was shown for the first time during the "Ural Arms Expo-2000".
"Nakidka" consists of a special synthetic thermal insulation material, the temperature of the outer surface corresponds to the temperature of the surrounding air. The use of the "Nakida" allows you to reduce the probability of detecting a tank by infrared homing heads by 2-3 times. In all radar ranges, the visibility of the combat vehicle is reduced by up to 10 times. When observing a vehicle that is equipped with the "Nakidka" through either a radio-thermal channel, the silhouette of the vehicle merges with the surrounding area.
a) Tank sized object without "Nakidka" - b) Tank sized object with "Nakidka" |
When observing a vehicle without the use of a thermal imaging system or radar-based system, the "Nakidka" package barely changes the visual appearance of the vehicle.
Vehicles observed through thermal imaging channel Tank sized object without "Nakidka" on the left - Tank sized object with "Nakidka" on the right |
T-90 equipped with "Nakidka" |
T-72M1 equipped with "Nakidka" |
BTR equipped with "Nakidka" |
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