Rumors state that "UralVagonZavod" is to resurrects it's double-barrel self-propelled gun program

On the 20th of September, a source higher in the procurement stream brought up that UralVagonZavod is considering mounting the Coalition-SV on the T-14s universal combat platform. It is rumoured that the gun system will feature enhanced combat capabilities such as a higher RoF. 

Additionally, a second interlocutor said: "The project's framework also considers the possibility of implementing a double-barreled turret, which will provide the system with an unprecedented rate of fire of 30 rounds per minute for heavy artillery installations."

It is worth noting that, the idea of using the T-14s universal combat platform for an SPG has been brought up many times before. What seems rather strange is to resurrect an early 2000s SPG program while also working/developing an SPG system for the T-14. Take this with a grain of salt. 

 Taken from: ANNA News


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