Unrealised upgrade proposal for 2S3 "Akatsiya" - Vydelka

R&D "Vydelka" was a modernization proposal drafted by "Transmash" (formerly known as OKB-3) for the Russian Ministry of Defence. The modernization focused on improving the firing range along with internal vehicle changes. The modernisation would be done by "Uraltransmash" during major vehicle repairs since the 2S3M and M1 variants were no longer produced. The initial plan to increase the firing range was to integrate newer 2S19 munitions like 3OF45, and 3OF64 but that was impossible due to the rifling count and length of the 2A33, which caused instability. As a solution, the barrel length was increased by 1760mm, this was enough for the aforementioned munitions. The estimated ranges with these changes are as follows: 19,7km for 3OF45, 21,5km for 3OF64 and 25,1km for 3OF61.  

The ammunition stowage inside the vehicle did not undergo significant changes and was based on the 1985 layout. For fire-control solutions, it was proposed to install the 1V519, responsible for receiving command data. Unfortunately, 1V519 and 1P5 (panoramic sight) were no longer produced, while the command vehicles for SPG batteries, like "Mashina" were in dire need of modernization. 

The estimated cost for this program in 1994 with the following bureaus involved: "Transmash", "VNII Signal", "Spetstehnika", "NIMI", "GosNIIHP - State Scientific Research Institute of Chemical Products" and "Burevestnik" was 1800 million rubles and was to be carried out from 1994 till 1996. 

As with the many programs proposed during the 1990s in Russia, this program failed to reach any production. 

Taken from: 

  1. Боевые машины Уралтрансмаша. Книга третья. Уральский букет. 1966-1989 гг. 


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