"Dilemma 2S3" - The last hope of modernization

 R&D "Dilemma" was the last "Akatsiya" modernization program carried out by "Transmash". Due to domestic artillery modernizations lagging behind western SPG systems in various aspects like unified munition types, improved targeting systems and mainly SPGs functioning in fire-support groups for armed forces. "Burevestnik" design bureau was chosen to lead the program and was responsible for bringing together various other bureaus for joint program development. 

"Transmash" took the position of the co-lead bureau and worked on technical solutions for "Burevestnik" based on a deal made on 13.07.2004. The main goal of the "Dilemma" R&D program was improving the firing range. OKB-9 was tasked with modernizing the 2A33 using various methods; increasing barrel length to 6000mm or improving the existing barrel with the standard 4240mm with improved recoil absorbers, modern efficient muzzle device, and enhanced or new semi-automatic loading mechanism using the old 12,5 L breach block or a new 16,9 L breach block from the 2A65. The final solution used a 2A33M with the standard 4240mm and 6000mm barrel lengths and 12, L breach block. The barrel rifling was also increased to 22 calibres. 

The unofficial indices were 2S3M3 (152mm/28 cal) and 2S3M-1 (152mm/39 cal).

"Dilemma 2S3M" cross-section view. 2006

Along with ballistic improvements came changes to the mechanised ammo stowage in the turret and hull of the SPG. Each mechanised conveyor had 19 stowage slots. The hull conveyor could lift and orient ammunition at any azimuth of the turret. 

Other various components were also improved; filter-ventilation unit, AP-15D power unit, 902V and automatic guidance and fire control system (АСУНО). While all these systems were new to the 2S3M, they were partially based on existing systems present on the 2S19 and 2S19M-1 "Msta-S". To accommodate the increased weight and avoid hull cracks and strike-throughs while firing and traversing harsh terrain, new torsion bars with increased weight capacity, higher weight capacity roadwheels and external hydraulic shock absorbers were to be installed. 

Based on preliminary drafts in 2004-2006, various improvements within the 2S3M3 modernization were established; 

  • Increased firing range of HE munitions from 17,3km to 18,46km
  • Increased firing range of HE with a gas generator to 20,1km 
  • Increased propellant charge for 3OF45
  • Automated targetting profiles with integrated topographic system, GPS (GLONASS) and onboard computers
  • Automated preparation for firing (Reduced preparation time to 50 seconds instead of 9 minutes and to 2 minutes after full vehicle preparation)
  • Onboard smoke system (902V)
  • Ammunition stowage conveyor and automated shell selection with improved ergonomic

The 2S3M3-1 with the 6000mm barrel allowed firing ranges of 20,4km for standard HE munitions and 22,6km for munitions with a gas generator but needed a lot of ballistic recalculations for all available munition nomenclatures. 

The last part of the "Dilemma" R&D was a dedicated ammunition transport-loading vehicle for the 2S3M (2S3M2) and 2S19 (2S19M1), based on a 7-roadwheel chassis using "Akatsiya" components. The engine-transmission bay remained the same but the hull was elongated with a new hull structure. Due to the increased weight (90 shell capacity and 3 crew operators), external hydraulic shock absorbers were proposed. 2 vertically oriented mechanised conveyors would hold 42 rounds each. 2 horizontal conveyors would store the remaining rounds and could be used to store standard HE munitions or guided munitions like the "Kransopol". The charges would be placed in honeycomb-style racks. 

"Dilemma 2S3M" transport-loading vehicle cross-section. 2006

Two different versions were proposed, one with a fully automated conveyor system with a special loading arm that could directly feed into the SPG. Due to the potential cost and overly complex mechanisms involved a more basic version without a special loading mechanism was drafted. It was argued that the more conventional design could allow the transport-loading vehicle to re-arm several SPGs simultaneously. 

With overly complex systems and increasing cost per modernisation, the R&D "Dilemma" was most likely cancelled. "Uraltransmash" opted into more basic upgrades like 2S3M2 focusing on integrating automated guidance and fire control systems.

Taken from: 

  1. Боевые машины Уралтрансмаша. Книга третья. Уральский букет. 1966-1989 гг. 


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