Soviet remote-controlled heavy MG platforms

ZU-219 on T-80 front view

From 1st of February to 1st of September 1973, Kubinka trial grounds tested several MBTs and medium tanks equipped with commander MGs. These being: 

  • Manually controlled heavy MGs designed by UVZ design bureau: (ZU-72) on T-72 and (ZTPU-2) on T-55.
  • Remoted-controlled heavy MGs designed by the Leningrad Kirov Plant (ZU-219) on Object 219 and Omsk Factory No.174 (ZU-62) on T-55A.
Manually controlled systems were generally preferred due to their simple design and ability to mount them without obscuring observation through viewports. While being cheap in production, such systems brought over several issues. Lack of crew protection when in use, crew compartment depressurisation when used in territories with radioactive background and difficulty in using manual traverse mechanism. 

After trials, the ZU-62 had the probability of being accepted as a mounting solution for T-62, and T-55 tanks and their modifications. While this system was not well-received as a potential solution for Object 219 and T-64 since it required a major overhaul, which lead to the creation of a new solution, a solution that did not differ much from the existing ZU-64 and ZU-219 designs. 

ZU-62 on T-55A

Beneath the issues present on the ZU-219, several positive traits were identified. Ability to fire with the commander hatch open, reliable electronics and interchangeable drive mechanisms for the vertical and horizontal traverse, the height of the system was 120mm shorter than on the ZU-64 (without K10-T) collimator sight, ability to integrate full sight and gun stabilization after further development, ZU-219s volume was by 30% smaller than on the ZU-64.

ZU-64 on T-64

These positive traits lead to the recommendation of the ZU-219 to be mounted on the T-72, Object 219 and T-64A as a unified system. It was proposed that the underlying issues would be fixed before the system would go into production. During that time, work was underway to complete the ZU-72 a manually controlled heavy MG system. 

ZU-219 on T-80 rear view

Taken from: 
Основной танк Т-80. Безмолвное возмездие / Иван Павлов, Михаил Павлов. — Москва - Main Battle Tank T-80, Silent Retribution / Ivan Pavlov, Mikhail Pavlov - Moscow



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