New samples of Russian military equipment

New samples of Russian military equipment are presented in the article by Lieutenant General N. M. Parshin "Prospects for the development of rocket and artillery weapons of Land and Airborne troops", published in the May issue of the journal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "Военная Мысль".

Proposed design for an ATGM carrier with Fire-and-Forget capabilities

For example, you can see an image of a self-propelled anti-tank missile system created on the BMD-4M chassis. This new product significantly increases the capabilities of the airborne units to combat various enemy armored objects.

Speaking about the prospects of combat vehicles of this class, the author notes that further development may be associated with the creation of samples that implement the principle of "shot-forget" in a wide range of conditions of combat use.

Among other equipment made on the basis of the armored personnel carrier BTR-MDM "Ракушка" - "Shell" and intended for "winged infantry", the mobile reconnaissance vehicle "Грань" - "Edge" is presented, which allows you to effectively control the situation on the battlefield and in the rear.

Mobile reconnaissance vehicle "Грань" - "Edge"

It is also necessary to mention the control vehicle "Zavet-D", designed to replace the mobile point of reconnaissance and fire control of artillery 1B119 "Реостат" - "Rheostat" located in the troops.

Command vehicle "Zavet-D"

All the mentioned vehicles are designed in such a way, that they retain their ability to be airlifted and para dropped from carrier planes.

Taken from: "Военная Мысль" May 2021 Edition, RG


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