HGM Panzergarten

During the summer of 2023, I returned to the HGM and the tank museum for the 7th time. Usually, I try to photograph vehicles that are maintained and preserved in a building. This time around, my colleague and I went to see the vehicles stored behind the main building of the HGM, which is known as the Panzergarten. 

Due to the vehicles not being the main attraction, the exterior is in a relatively poor state. Back in 2023, the vehicles stored there were; M24 Chaffee, Centurion MK.3, Centurion ARV, Centurion bridge laying vehicle and a Charioteer. 

As of early 2024, the Charioteer and 2 M24 Chaffees were moved to the front of the Tankhall. 

Below are some of the images from the Panzergarten. 

To see images in the highest quality you can open them in a new tab or click on them. 


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