Follow up post on previously made speculation

Having covered the new T-72B3M batches quite extensively over the last couple of blog posts, more images have been released, clearing up one of the far-fetched speculations written by me. 

As mentioned in these blog articles: "New UVZ assembly line video footage showcasing new T-72B3M and T-90M changes" and "New T-72B3M modernization batch", the unidentified stubs mounted next to the gun breach that I called part of an electronics suite are not what they seem to be. Initially, they resembled some type of receiver that could have been part of GLONASS. 

Images released from the "61 Bronetankovyy Remontnyy Zavod" - 61st tank repair factory, have shown that these stubs are for mounting "cope cages" as users of the Internet call them. An improvised cage that is intended to protect the turret roof from loitering munitions or RPG-style munitions fired from higher elevations. 

The presence of these 4 stubs completely rules out the idea of it being some sort of electronic suite or antenna since only 1 would be more than enough to transmit/receive data. Additionally, these steel stubs have a hole, which is probably used to hold any structure in place using a pin which slides in through the steel stub and any tube slid over it. 

As the author of this blog, I would like to apologize for this mistake which has been repeated several times in other blog articles. Working with a limited amount of images directly impacts the quality of analytics that try to carry out. Please disregard the statements in the previous articles. This page onwards will be the main contributing factor to the further identification of currently modernized Russian MBTs.

Taken from: RIA News




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