Commanders panoramic sight with integrated orientation device

The usage of panoramic sights for the commander in Soviet AFVs has been a concept that was viewed upon as a worthwhile development program, to increase the commander's combat performance and reduce the time to find a target. There were several tests conducted with a commander panoramic sight mounted on a T-64B mockup.

T-64B mockup with new observation devices and commander panoramic device.
1) Panoramic sight; 2) New observation devices

The commander's daylight panoramic observation device was an optically based sight with an independent 2-Plane stabilization system. The stabilized mirror is installed inside of the rotating optics head. The stabilization element uses the MGTU-0,5 three-step gyroscope. The optical system has 2 channels; a visual observation channel and an information channel for orientation, which provides the commander with orientation bearings of the panoramic sight independent of the position of the turret and hull. Each channel is equipped with an individual eyepiece. The information eyepiece is located to the left of the main observation channel. 

1) Traversable head; 2) Sight glass; 3) Visual channel eyepiece; 4) information eyepiece

The commander's position was not only equipped with a panoramic sight but also with new prism observation devices, TNPO-260 (6 devices) and TNP-165A (1 device) mounted around the commander's hatch. 

Sight Characteristics:

Taken from: Vestnik Bronetankovoy Tehniki No.11 1988 - Вестник Бронетанковой Техники Но.11 1988"



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