BMP-2 equipped with Radio Fuze Jammer

 As with any Russian May 9th parade, large cities that host parades perform repetitions, during which many interesting vehicle variants appear. During the parade preparation in Khabarovsk on May 4th, a new BMP-2 was spotted. The vehicle features the RP-377VM1 jamming station that is mounted above the troop compartment. 

While RP-377VM1 is not a new electronic complex, it has been mounted on many different vehicles before, those primarily being; Typhoon-K - "Тайфуна-К ", Lynx - "Рысь", Tiger -  "Тигр" and BTR variants.  

BMP-2 equipped with RP-377VM1 Radio Fuze Jammer 

The RP-377UVM1 complex is a small radio jamming station. Designed to suppress signals for mines with radio control.

RP-377VM1 Radio Fuze Jammer module

Taken from: Khabarovsk parade video, JCS "Sozvezdie"


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