BMP-3 with new extended end connectors and extreme negative temperature tests

Today, TV Zvezda has covered the testing procedure for BMP-3 IFVs in sub-optimal conditions reaching temperatures as low as -50°C. BMP-3 IFVs performing this test are put inside a special chamber that simulates negative temperatures. Tests are conducted after the vehicle reaches the desired temperatures, the goal is to achieve a full system check and engine start. 

In addition, Kurganmash has revealed one interesting modification that was mounted on their BMP-3M that was shown for the first time in 2015.

This vehicle features attachable 'Duckbills' to reduce the overall ground pressure of the vehicle on soft terrains like sand and snow. The 'Duckbills' are attached through extended end connectors which are welded onto the main track assembly.

Images of attachable extended-end connectors 

Note: It would be interesting to see this vehicle in this exact configuration in the future, considering these duckbills can significantly improve the mobility of a BMP-3 in harsh terrains like sand and snow. 

Taken from: TV Zvezda YT, TV Zvezda




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