'Tisas' and 'Rassvet-GP' (Dawn-GP) thermal imaging sights for T-72 tank variants

 In 2003, a company by the name "Peleng" (Belarus) showcased 2 different T-72A MBTs equipped with thermal imaging sights. Those being the "Tisas" and "Рассвет-ГП" - "Dawn-PG". 

The main direction of the modernization of the T-72 tanks carried out by 'Peleng' was to expand the combat capabilities of the vehicle's weapon systems during different weather conditions and different times of the day. 

On both T-72A tanks, the TPN-3-49 passive night sight was entirely removed and replaced with "Tisas" and "Dawn-PG". Both new sights were paired together with the TPD-K1 tank sight rangefinder. Interestingly enough, the T-72A fitted the 'Tisas' TIS, and kept its Luna IR lamp. The turret and TPD-K1 do not have to be modernized or changed when the vehicle is equipped with one of the TIS's. 

T-72A equipped with "Рассвет-ГП" - "Dawn-GP"
"Рассвет-ГП" - "Dawn-GP"

T-72AV equipped with "Рассвет-ГП" - "Dawn-GP"

The "Tisas" sight utilizes the French-made CATHERINE-FC matrix with an 8μm-12μm wavelength. The sight can achieve a 4km-5km detection range during night conditions. 

"Tisas" provides: 
  • Automatic line-of-sight tracking of "Tisas", slaved with the TPD-K1 line-of-sight in the "Main" mode
  • "Target designation" mode
  • Hardline connection with the main gun in "Reserve-Standby" mode
  • Service information is displayed on the monitor, containing vital information such as; current operating mode, range, ammunition type loaded, approval of fire
T-72A with 'Tisas'
'Tisas' inside of its protective housing
'Tisas' sight module

The "Tisas" sight kit includes: 
  • Tracking system consists of a mirror unit, a mechanical unit with a built-in gun positioning sensor and a control unit with a built-in ballistic computer
  • Thermal imaging channel with a thermal imaging camera and a gunner's control panel
  • Video display devices for gunner and commander 
  • Roll sensor 
  • Protective housing
  • Spare parts kit
  • Wiring

Editors note: The "Tisas" sight is not the same as the one made by Elbit Systems. It seems to be a pure coincidence that Peleng chose this name for one of their sights. Additionally, "Dawn-PG" does not have much information regarding its technical characteristics. 

  • TiV (Техника и Вооружение 2005.03)
  • TiV (Техника и Вооружение 2008.03)
  • Volume XI - 'Оптико-Электронные системы и лазерная техника' - "Optoelectronic systems and laser technology"


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