Tank "Sprut-SDM1" successful testing phase

The Sprut-SDM1 light amphibious tank for the airborne troops, in the creation of which specialists from the Volgograd machine-building company VgTZ and Kurganmashzavod, which are part of the High-Precision Complexes holding of the Rostec State Corporation, have successfully passed state tests. During the check, the military equipment demonstrated high navigability in the Black Sea and proved its reliability afloat. 

2S25 "Sprut-SDM1"

“Given its purpose, the machine must meet very serious requirements. During state tests, the light tank underwent extreme checks at sea, in central Russia and the subtropics, where the air temperature reached +40 degrees and passed them successfully. Low-temperature tests are scheduled for early next year. Sprut-SDM1 is primarily intended for Russian paratroopers. It can be expected that the capabilities shown by the 'Octopus' will interest foreign customers as well.” said Bekkhan Ozdoev, industrial director of the armaments complex of the State Corporation Rostec. 

Each stage of inspections in various conditions provides for firing tests. According to the results of state tests of design documentation, the letter "O1" should be assigned, which allows starting serial production of machines.

Taken from: Rostec December 17th 2020


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