Common variant with an uncommon upgrade.

The picture shows T-90A tanks that belong to the latest T-90A upgrade batch from 2010. These are the so-called "T-90A with PTK" or "Object 188A2". Their difference is that they were equipped with a software and hardware complex for the interaction of the automated process control system. This allowed better communication between different tank crews. The actual upgrade batch of T-90A's with this system stayed relatively unknown, while only appearing several times during training in the South of Russia. It's unknown how many T-90A Obr.2010 have actually been made and sent to the Russian Armed Forces. 

According to GRAU Index, 2 T-90A variants exist with the "ПТК" System.
Main Battle Tank T-90A (with software and hardware complex PTK-T-2)

1. - digital PTK antenna. Installed in the rear of the turret behind the commanders remote controller heavy MG.
2. - normal communication antenna. The photo shows only the spring input, which is only available for antennas on tanks with PTK
3. - GLONASS satellite navigation antenna.

Command Variant T-90AK (with software and hardware complex PTK-T-1)

1. - the PTK antenna is on the left side of the turret, and the spring-cocked antenna is on the rear of the turret (the t-90A with the PTK is the opposite).
2. - a diesel generator set is installed to provide power to the commander's equipment without using the main engine (APU).

"T-90A with PTK" (Russian ПТК: программно-техническим комплексом - English: software and hardware complex)

Reference: OvB (ОВБ)


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